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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For All You Lurker Lawyers

While doing the blog rounds this weekend I found out from the Washington Criminal Defense blog that the second annual "Seattle Law Blogger Meet-up" sponsored by AVVO will be held Thursday, June 26, from 5:30pm until 7:30pm at AVVO's downtown Seattle offices. The invite is for law bloggers and legal professionals who may have considered starting their own "blawg".

If you are interested in attending you can find more information about the event at the AVVO Blog where you can also RSVP to attend.

Now, you might be surprised to hear it, (I always am), but this blog that you're reading now is classified as a law blog by several law blog listing sites (through no fault of my own). So, as a lark, I might just be there as well (to talk about blogging, not legal stuff of course).

(PS. In case you're not familiar with the vernacular, a "lurker" isn't a bad thing, just someone who visits a site but doesn't interact with it... it describes about 99% of our readers actually.)

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