This story came to my attention last night via Twitter @juliechang206 concerning the case of Wyking Allah who was essentially arrested for trespassing in the NW African American Heritage Museum that he helped found and worked with.
His arrest appeared to be, from what I recall reading at the time, more of an effort to keep him from saying what he wanted to say about some disconcerting "anti-gang" legislation in the works at the time during the opening ceremonies for the museum and cultural center than a question of his trespassing on property that he worked to create.
Several different organizations have been working on helping with his defense against those charges, this was from one of those groups, the UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E Center here in Seattle that Wyking also co-founded:
Subject: Support Wyking Allah in court tomorrow
From: Leith Jasinowski-Kahl
To: people who are down
Subject: Support Wyking in court tomorrow
Wyking Allah was unfairly arrested in March of 2007 for speaking the truth at an event organized on behalf of Seattle's ruling class. Billed as the "grand opening of NAAM", the event was in fact a celebration of the privatization and theft of the African American Heritage Museum and Cultural Center from the Black working class community. This theft was engineered by white developers with the assistance of the Urban League. (See link below for more background on this arrest and the issues surrounding it.)
Wyking Allah is innocent of all charges. He is an officer of the African American Heritage Museum and Cultural Center, which is both the rightful and legal owner of the land he was standing on at the time of his arrest. He therefore cannot be guilty of trespass on the land of his own people.
The next court hearing in the state's prosecution of this man of the people, Wyking Allah, will take place tomorrow:
Friday April 10th 10 AM Seattle Municipal Courthouse, 5th and James, Room 1102
The defense has assembled an extensive list of witnesses to prove that Wyking was standing on his own institution's land. What is at stake tomorrow is whether the court will agree to hear the testimony of these witnesses, or whether it will again prove itself to be a kangaroo court of white supremacy by rejecting their testimony before it his heard.
All honest men and all honest women are called upon to be there tomorrow, in body if possible, and otherwise in spirit. Stay alert for more news as this struggle continues.
So, if you know Wyking or are familiar with this case, make plans to head down to the hearing and show your support.
MR. SONNY KNOWS for March 12, 2025
55 minutes ago
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