Sorry for the slow posting again, I've been having a really hard time with medication for my headaches that they have to keep changing, it has really been kicking my butt but not doing a thing for the headaches themselves... they just make me feel worse overall really.
Anyway, I've been noticing a lot of traffic from people looking for resources to help them with police misconduct issues and jail abuse issues and sometimes they don't seem to hit the right pages that would give them the information they need about the frighteningly few attorneys left in Seattle that actually help people who have been abused by police and the jail.
So, I plan on making that information more prominent with some upcoming site changes as well as adding some additional links to help people who have been hurt by area cops or who have been mistreated in the King County Jail. Hopefully this will get more people the help they need to find justice... because I know how painful it is when there was nobody out there to help me.
Also, remember folks, the Seattle Police Department or some of their employees decided to put up a fake "injusticeinseattle" site to trick people into making reports of misconduct straight to them instead of here or to other legitimate misconduct resources... don't be fooled because we're not sure how they would abuse the information they received from the people who they abused once already if anyone uses that email reporting form.
Of course, constructive suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.
Take care.
MR. SONNY KNOWS for March 12, 2025
52 minutes ago
I love the new "your tax dollars at work" header. =)
Surprisingly, traffic from the City of Seattle government network has bumped up a bit since I put it there. While we average a little over a hit a day from there, it's now about 3 hits a day.
Go figure.
Thanks for the feedback!
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