As you may know, the Seattle Police Officer's Guild plans to picket city hall soon, in order to demand a pay raise even though they refuse to accept any police accountability reforms.
In case you're wondering, I am currently checking to see what it takes to legally counter-protest the picket to demand that the SPOG accept all recommended accountability reforms before any talk of pay increases.
If you want to help, even if just to bring a camera to document what happens to me, just let me know. If you don't, I understand... heck I'm petrified of what they'll do to me too, but someone has to take a stand. Sure, I'm not the best suited to do this since have no idea how to go about this and I'm utterly terrified of the Seattle police and their union, but if nobody else more qualified than I am will do it, then I guess it's up to me.
Be careful out there.
UPDATE: Still waiting to hear back from the city on what it takes to leagally protest the police officer's "informational picket line". But, so far, I'll be the only one protesting.
In the meantime, The Stranger blog picked up the story of the planned picket. One responder to the post, a possible police officer named "sixshooter", "warned" other responders that the picketers will be armed.
If anyone has any advice, let me know... Otherwise, I plan on just standing their with a placard that asks the city to not commit to any contract that doesn't have all 29 recommended accountability reforms in it, I'll be quiet and abide by any laws. So if the guild members or on-duty officers rough me up or worse, hopefully someone will be there to capture the thugs on video.
MR. SONNY KNOWS for March 12, 2025
1 hour ago
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