Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Days I Get Grief From Both Sides

I received a rather angry email from an, apparently, new reader the other day… I won’t reveal the whole message since I didn’t get permission to publish the person’s story… but it ended on this note:

“Either way [assuming that you are NOT the police running a fake website], we're fucked.”
So… I thought it would be a good idea to, again, clarify:

This site here, http://injusticeinseattle.blogspot.com and the www.injusticeinseattle.org domain I purchased are not run by police officers and I am not, nor have I ever been, a police officer.

However, this site: www.injusticeinseattle.com (pictured at top) is run by police officers in some sort of undetermined attempt to confuse people looking for this site and coax them into submitting their personal information for unknown purposes.

Now, whether you believe me or not, well… that’s up to you I suppose.

Either way, I hope none of you have submitted your information to that site. Because I have no clue how it would be used or where it would end up.

Thank you for your time, and be careful out there on the interwebs!

(NOTE: the fake site was previously noted here and here)

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