Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Map of Police Misconduct

View 2009 April US Police Misconduct Reports in a larger map
UPDATE: Unfortunately, Google maps can only handle 200 entries per map, and since there are over 490 stories so far this month, I can't make an interactive map of police misconduct stories... I'll keep looking into it, but for the people who wanted to see this come out, I'm sorry.

I'm thinking of creating an interactive map of police misconduct cases in the US each month, but it's a gigantic pain in the butt and will take a lot of my time...

(Time is something which I barely have already between the working 2 jobs, taking care of family, this site, and the news feed... sleep and food happens every now and then too.)

So, the question is, does anyone think they would find this useful?

If so, does anyone know of an easy way to make a Google map like this?


NOTE: The above map is just a work-in-progress, it's not even close to being completed with close to 500 entries for this month alone pending so far.


  1. I've been working on something like that for a different context. Basically, it aims to make geocoding the incidents easier. If you need any help, let me know; there are a couple of ways you could do it

  2. "I'm thinking of creating an interactive map of police misconduct cases"

    I would offer to help but I have zero skills in this area. Imho the stats and Twitter feed are more then enough.


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