Monday, November 10, 2008

Police Misconduct NewsWatch for 11-10-08

Officers fired for misconduct merely enter a revolving door to another police department elsewhere.

In Local News:

Everett Washington police shoot homeowner while responding to alleged burglary
Questions over a Everett police shooting in response to an alleged home invasion first surfaced after friends of the person shot have come forward claiming that he was one of the homeowners and was not sufficiently warned by police before he was shot. They also claimed discrepancies in the police version of events which allege that the homeowner was shot in the front doorway when he failed to comply with repeated demands to drop a weapon he was alleged to be holding when police arrived in response to a supposed burglary call... but question why there was a large amount of blood near the back door as well.

However, now a nearby resident is also questioning police versions of events as he claims to have heard one shot about two minutes before he heard police make a single attempt to identify themselves before firing off a volley of at least 12 rounds into the house. The incident is being investigated by an outside police agency and the three officers involved in the shooting are on paid leave.

Snohomish County Jail leadership in turmoil
Snohomish County Jail director quits after control of facility transferred from county executive to the sheriff's department. The director cited pressure from the corrections officer union in reaction to increased oversight he implemented in response to several high profile investigations into the jail in the past as the reason for the change in management. However, even the union is getting skittish about the idea of the sheriff, with no corrections experience whatsoever, taking control of the jail without any oversight whatsoever.

National News:

Chicago Cops Accused Of Assaulting Obama Supporters
The Chicagoist is reporting that the Independent Police Review Authority in Chicago Illinois is investigating several complaints against Chicago Police officers who allegedly pepper-sprayed civilians in several different locations following Barack Obama's election victory Tuesday night.

One family driving home from celebrations around 10:30pm reported that their children were shouting "yay! Obama!" out the car window when an unmarked police car pulled alongside them and shouted "white power" and shouted racial slurs. The man, apparently a CPD officer, then sprayed pepper spray into the family's vehicle.

More Damning Testimony In That NYPD Sodomy Case
A grand jury has heard testimony from Michael Mineo, who has accused Brooklyn NY police officers of sodomizing him with a piece of police equipment, and a transit officer who appears to have corroborated his accusation. The transit officer's alleged testimony appears to indicate that the officers may have used a collapsible baton on Mineo, leaving him with both internal and external rectal injuries.

More Trouble For Scandal Plagued Oakland PD
Another civil rights lawsuit has been filed over the latest Oakland California police scandal which has left over 40 criminal cases in jeopardy of being overturned on illegally obtained search warrants. This one also alleges that officers may have lied about using informants to purchase drugs in order to obtain search warrants.

Police Review Board Member Alleges Racial Discrimination... From The Board Itself
The executive director of New York City's Civilian Complaint Review Board has filed a complaint against board officials of racial discrimination and has alleged that she was referred to as "black bitch", accused of trying to "turn the agency black", and subjected to other discriminatory remarks.
If that's how they treat their own director because of her race, one wonders how they treat minority victims of police misconduct?

The Charges Keep Piling Up For This Officer
An NYPD officer has been indicted for sexual abuse, official misconduct, and attempted coercion after facing similar charges in April in another case of sexual assault... all crimes are merely misdemeanors though, so it's likely he could work as a police officer again even if he's convicted since only felonies disqualify you from being an officer in most states... in fact...

...It's Easy To Be Rehired After Being Found Guilty Of Misconduct
Lauderhill Florida police officer may be fired for repeated use of racial and sexist slurs, but it wouldn't be the first time. In 2001 the same officer was fired from a different department for insubordination and being disrespectful to superior officers. Police union officials insist he's been wrongfully accused and that previous misconduct issues were isolated incidents.

...And You Can Even Be Chief With A History Of Misconduct
Candidates for chief of police in Fort Myers Florida may have had a history of misconduct, but the media and city officials are finding that the way the city keeps track of misconduct complaints and findings leaves a lot to be desired.

...In Fact, This Guy Will Likely Be Your Police Officer Again Soon Too.
Galesburg police officer sentenced to 180 days in jail for stealing drugs from an evidence locker. The judge left open the possibility of vacating the judgment upon completion of a treatment program, which would leave the officer still eligible for his police pension as well as being eligible for rehiring as a cop.

Smile... You're on Candid Cop Camera! (yes, this guy too)
A Port Oglethorpe TN police officer has resigned after a surveillance camera video of him using a police cruiser to meet a woman for sex in an alleyway is made public. Its ok though, since he quit before any investigation was made, he'll find a law enforcement job elsewhere without a problem...

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