Judge Clears Way For Wrongful Death Suit Against Sandy Oregon Police
You may have read recently about a Sandy Oregon police officer who was indicted for giving drivers licenses he confiscated to his teen-aged female friends? Well, a judge gave a go-ahead for a lawsuit against that department for a shooting death of an unarmed man, Fouad Kaady, who had been in a car accident which involved that very same officer back in 2005.
Protest Planned Against Cuyahoga County Jail in Ohio
Several activist groups are planning a "Ring Around the Justice Center" protest over the mistreatment of detainees and the need for open discovery for the county's judicial system. The protest stems from the death of R&B singer Sean Levert who died at the jail from a sudden withdrawal of Xanax.
The coroner who reviewed the case and performed an autopsy said he suffered severe hallucinations and panic attacks for hours before finally dying of a heart attack because of the refusal of the jail to give him the medicine he was prescribed. That sure sounds like torture to me, I'm saddened to say.
Officer Arrested For Attempted Cover-Up Of Illegal Break-in and Wrongful Detention
A Macedon NY police officer has been indicted on charges of perjury, falsification of records, criminal trespass, official misconduct, coercion, and unlawful imprisonment stemming from a 2007 incident where the officer broke into a residence without a warrant and detained two people then attempted to cover up the incident by falsifying police records.
Officer Arrested For Coercing Woman Into Sex, DA Describes It As A "Transaction"
A Greece NY officer has been indicted for charges of bribery, coercion, and official misconduct stemming from a case in August where he allegedly coerced a woman into having sex with him in order to avoid criminal charges related to what was described as a "family dispute" he had been called to earlier that day.
The prosecutors describe what happened not as a case of a woman being forced into having sex through the use of intimidation or coercion, but as if "a transaction took place" between the two... I don't want to know what kind of bank they go to out there.
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