Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Police Misconduct NewsWatch For 10-22-08

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Chicago's Torture Squad Leader Finally Arrested
The infamous Jon Burge of Chicago PD's torture squad of Area 2 who has long been accused of being responsible for the torture of up to 122 people in efforts to coerce false confessions by electrocution and other means, has finally been arrested 26 long years after he had first been accused of such horrendous crimes. He now stands accused of two counts of Obstruction and one count of perjury that may land him in prison for up to 45 years. The wheels of justice, when they move at all, move slowly... so long as there are those who are dedicated to moving them.

Falsely Imprisoned Man Demands Justice After 5 Years Behind Bars
A Lee Summit Missouri man who spent 5 years behind bars on false child molestation charges that were made up by a Lee Summit detective and his ex-wife that the detective was dating, stood up in a city council meeting and demanded to know why that officer has never been disciplined for it.

Officer's Accused Of Brutal Beating Death Have Been Sued For Misconduct Before
Suffolk County NY officers who face a federal civil rights suit over the beating death of Kenny Lazo had been the subject of other lawsuits in the past. An independent autopsy reported Lazo died after being choked and bludgeoned by a flashlight for a prolonged period of time while cuffed while his face was resting on a hard surface.

Officials Blame Good Samaritan For Her Own Mistreatment
School officials blame the girl who intervened to break up a fight for being thrown to the ground by a school security officer in the now well known video seen on the national news. This would seem to contradict most good Samaritan laws though.

Police Union Distributes Disturbing Election Fliers
A Richmond Police Officers Association's election campaign efforts in California raises uproar over what activists decry as a "blatantly racist" mailers espousing the police unions position on this year's election. ACLU board member calls the police union fliers the most racist he's seen in his 10 years with the ACLU.

ACLU Study Finds Evidence of Racial Profiling
ACLU report alleges LAPD practices racial profiling against blacks and latinos, citing a rate of 4500 per 10000 field stops for minorities vs 1750 stops for whites. The LAPD responds that the study misses that they're doing better than they used to.

Police Department's Split With DEA Finally Explained
Previously reported split between Yakima Wa Police Dept and the DEA appears to be stem from sexual harassment and retaliation charges brought be a police officer against his DEA supervisor.

Officer Who Abused Police Dog Demands To Be Reinstated
North Carolina State Patrol is appealing a ruling by a state personnel commission that is forcing them to reinstate a trooper who was fired after it was found that he had kicked the police dog he was handling. Wouldn't that be considered as assaulting an officer?

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