Thursday, October 9, 2008

Police Misconduct NewsWatch for 10-09-08

Yet More Stories Of Police Misconduct In The News

In Denver Colorado, again...
Denver Colorado police sued for staying true to those brutality-glorifying shirts they've been selling. Denver police face a million dollar brutality suit by a graphic artist who had to receive stitches and suffered permanent nerve damage after he was assaulted by police in the street but was never formally charged with any crimes.

In Marysville Pensylvania
A Marysville Pennsylvania cop who is currently facing charges of molesting and sexually harassing girls as young as 12 also faced allegations of sexually harassing young girls in the two other police departments he worked in before transferring to Marysville.

In Chicago Illinois
The Chicago Police Chief who has pledged to clean up the problematic department is now reforming the dreaded SOS squad that was responsible for torturing several people into coerced confessions and is doing so by offering the first slots to those who were previously on that infamous "proactive policing" team.

In Cook County Illinois
Cook County Illinois Sheriff refuses to evict renters from foreclosed homes, scolds banks for failing to make any effort to identify which homes are rented as required by law. The banks have responded by claiming that the sheriff is violating the law by not doing the bank's bidding even when they are negligently filing eviction papers. Sometimes good cops just aren't allowed to be good cops.

In Yakima Washington
A Yakima Washington police chief has severed ties with the Drug Enforcement Agency citing misconduct in the DEA Yakima office as the reason he refuses to allow his officers to cooperate with the DEA on investigations. No word yet on what specific kind of misconduct is at the source of the rift.

In Woodstock Georgia
Woodstock Georgia police are accused of choking a man until he hemorrhaged blood from his eyes and nose when he was just trying to pay a traffic fine at a local courthouse.

In Washington DC
The US Supreme Court is hearing a case that could decide just how hard it will be to sue the police for civil rights violations. The case will determine just how often the police can claim qualified immunity over charges of police brutality and misconduct and recent pro-brutality decisions by the conservative court indicate it will decide in favor of protecting police from being disciplined for their own misconduct.

And All Across The USA

Feministe has a great post about torture inside the US jail and prison system... and that abuse is just as bad as you didn't think it was, I know from personal experience.

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