Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Misconduct NewsWatch for 10-14-08

Police Misconduct In The News

Feds To Investigate City Of Vancouver
Residents and the mayor of Vancouver Washington request an investigation by the US DOJ into allegations that the city manager, city officials, and several police officers violated the law when they used racially-charged intimidation and abuses to punish Navin Sharma for testifying against other officers during a police misconduct investigation. Lawyers for Sharma say the request doesn't go far enough and claims that other officers who supported Sharma are currently being harrassed and punished for that support.

Police Chief Seeks To Stop Investigation Into His Own Misconduct
Houma Louisanna Police Chief Seeks Injunction to prevent civil service board from investigating complaints of misconduct that were filed against him by several of his own police officers.

Oakland Officers Lied To Judges To Obtain Warrants
Oakland California officers may have lied to judges in order to obtain drug raid warrants and may have invalidated several cases against suspected drug dealers in the process. Local Lawyers say that the police could have used other legitimate reasons to obtain warrants instead and are unsure why officers took risks like this.

Officer Accused Of Lying To Cover For Accidental Shooting
A Leoni Township Ohio police officer has been arraigned on felony charges for lying about the accidental discharge of his service weapon by filing a false report that blamed the discharge on a suspect he was investigating.

Jury Candidate Jailed For Telling Judge He Didn't Trust Police
Walworth County Wisconsin judge sends juror to jail for contempt after he admitted that he felt police officers often lied to make their case and that he would find an officer's testimony unbelievable during a trial during jury selection questioning.

Hooters SWAT Cop Earns Fortune While On "Disciplinary" Leave
Hoboken New Jersy SWAT officer in the middle of the infamous "Hooters SWAT Scandal" has been collecting over $10,000 a month during his year-long paid administrative leave on which he was placed after a secretive finding of misconduct during an investigation that was never released to the public. That secret report concluded that the SWAT team brought no meaningful services to the city but, instead, only appeared to encouraged misconduct within the department.

A City Council Votes To Keep Public Records Secret
A Naperville Illinois City Council voted to keep police misconduct records a secret... from themselves.

Court Demands The Police Release Misconduct Investigation Findings
The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals finds that police misconduct investigation records from complaints made after Hurricane Katrina must be made public despite police department efforts to keep those findings secret. That investigation was launched due to complaints made by police officers who claimed to have witnessed misconduct while working as volunteers after Katrina hit.

Princeton Student Attacked By Washington DC Cops
Princton student attacked by Metropolitan DC police officers was compliant and pleaded with officers that "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry", according to several witnesses who were then threatened by police when they tried to make complaints.


  1. One of my city's officers got arrested yesterday for sexual assault under the color of authority for alleged incidents earlier this year but I think he's been committing these crimes earlier than this b/c I heard complaints about him several years ago. I wasn't surprised that it was him but I was that he got arrested.

  2. Scary stuff, really, considering how long some of them get away with sexually abusing people and how many they are able to abuse before they're stopped. I can only imagine how much more traumatizing it is for a person to deal with that kind of abuse from a police officer. It's truly terrifying to think about.

    An Assistant Chief for a local sector of the border patrol was just brought up on charges of molesting his own foster daughter. It's just really beyond sad just to think about living with that kind of abuse, my heart really goes out to the victims.

    Thanks for the comment and information.


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