Saturday, September 27, 2008

Police Misconduct Newswatch for 09-27-08

Recent Stories Of Police Misconduct In The News

Police Cheer For Brutality
A sharp increase in police brutality claims in Detroit has been met with cheers within the Detroit Michigan PD as officers have been allegedly heard to exclaim "It's back to the good old days of busting heads and kicking ass!" after an ex-SWAT officer took over as interim mayor.

...And Gloat About It On T-Shirts
Activist organizations are angry with a police union in Denver Colorado that has been distributing shirts depicting a truncheon-wielding cop with the caption of "We Get Up Early To Beat The Crowds" (shown at top)... the organization defended the shirts by saying it was a way to thank officers who arrested protesters during the convention.

Fallout From Riders Rides On
The Oakland California police department may be failing To implement court-ordered reforms stemming from the infamous Oakland Riders scandal, possibly spurring a continuation of state oversight.

Calls For Oversight Grow Louder
That widely seen police brutality video of a Yonkers New York police officer slamming Irma Marquez face first into a floor has resulted in an $11,000,000 lawsuit against the city and a DOJ Civil Rights probe along with renewed calls for a new civilian oversight program.

...And Louder
There have also been renewed calls for more transparency from the Inglewood California police department after an independent investigator has started reviewing the department after a series of questionable police-related shootings that have left at least two unarmed civilians dead.

...And Louder Still
Ft. Myers Florida residents have succeeded in getting 2,565 signatures to put a civilian oversight initiative on the ballot there.

...But Then It Happens To You
Mayor Cheye Calvo, who was the victim of a wrongful police drug raid that left his two dogs dead in Prince Georges County MD, joined in a protest against police brutality meant to call attention to a number of recent police-related deaths and other abuses there.

Officer Snitches To Gang, But Not Feds?
A Minneapolis MN police officer who stands accused of passing confidential police information to a street gang in return for bribe money has outright refused to cooperate with an FBI probe into police corruption, so much for cops liking snitches.

Guess MIT Students Don't Know What They Saw
The MIT police department is facing a lawsuit for excessive force used against two MIT students, oddly enough the police department claims there were no witnesses to the abuse while several students claimed to have been the part of a crowd who watched the beatings as they occurred.

More Campus Cop Crimes
In another college, this time in Florida, a Titusville cop has been suspended and now faces charges for misusing his authority to commit identity theft and then hack into a university student's email account in an attempt to cyberstalk his ex-girlfriend.

Coming To A Police Department Near You?
A New Rochelle NY officer who recently resigned has plead guilty to misdemeanor charges of misusing his authority in a sexual misconduct case involving a 17 year old victim of domestic violence... because the plea bargain was only a misdemeanor he remains certified to work as an officer elsewhere, the victim has promised to file suit.

Third Time Is A...?
Mesa Arizona has settled a police shooting death suit for $2,000,000 that stems from a 2005 incident of conflicting witness accounts where the officer shot an unarmed man on his patio. The officer remained on duty until this year when he was finally put on desk duty after shooting another unarmed man this year and one in 2000.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. Hope your son is healing well.


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