Whether or not we recognize this fact, it still stands true...
We are all of us fathers and mothers to the generations that follow us...
We teach lessons each day to the innocent eyes that watch our actions and hear our words...
We then reap what we sow when the generations that follow, in turn, lead us as we led them.
More than just teaching children about the lessons we've learned in life, by example and by word, we must also teach them how to learn from the lessons they will be taught when we are not there to instruct them and how to apply their own conscience as an instructor in order to know the best lesson to learn from what life seeks to teach them when we are not there to instruct them. For the best lesson learned is that we all should grow each day, no matter how old.
Remember, we are, all of us, fathers and mothers to the world's children, and whether we accept this responsibility or not, we will still reap what we have sown when that next generation comes of age.
As I said... Happy Fathers Day... Everyone.
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