Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Update

First, as you might see over on the sidebar, the NAACP is continuing their public forums on police brutality in Seattle. It seems they've done four so far and two more are upcoming. Sadly, I would have posted the dates and places but it seems they don't like the site much and never got back to me with that information when I requested it.

Sad, really, that none of the people who are supposedly against police misconduct are ever willing to talk with each other in this city... I'd imagine that we could make better progress if we all worked together. Islands all are we it seems.

So, if you want to find out details on the last two public meetings where, supposedly, you can complain to them about police mistreatment, visit the story at the Seattle PI.

Anyway, next, sorry for the lack of posting this week, I was out of state on a business trip and didn't get as much time to write as I had hoped to. Things will be back to normal for a while I think.

Stay safe out there everyone.

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