Here's an interesting read over at Simple Justice about what happens to police officers who commit perjury... (Hint: nothing, especially in Seattle)
Reminds me of some Seattle Police Department officers who have a history of lying under oath and still testify on the stand. (there used to be a blog about it, but it seems like it was killed off)
MR. SONNY KNOWS for March 12, 2025
6 hours ago
When the NY Times starts to get on board talking about crooked cops, that says something. Hopefully this mainstream attention will inspire people to think more critically about the role of police in society and what they can do about it.
Here in Western Massachusetts, in Holyoke, Christopher Martinez was beat up by some off-duty cops outside of a bar. All the cops have been doing in pre-trail hearings have been defaming his character, talking about how violent and angry he is, and that's most of what the paper has been printing. We'll have to see what happens in this case.
If you have a minute, check out our organization and our website.
Western Mass Copwatch
Thanks for the comment!
I agree, it's almost always a good thing when the media actually gives some notice to police misconduct and accountability issues like this, especially a larger media organization like the NY Times. It's my own hope that this is a result of media organizations noticing a shift in public opinion regarding the police and the loss of rights we've suffered in the US along with more public interest in stories of police misconduct generated by the proliferation of online resources dedicated to these issues along with more availability of police brutality video evidence on the Web.
It's always sad for me to hear about victims of police brutality who are victimized a second or even third time by the police who attempt to cover up for their brutality by spreading rumors about their victims. It's standard practice everywhere these days and directly correlates to the fact that police officers face little threat of punishment for spreading falsehoods to the media in order to intimidate and harass their victims.
Thanks for the comment and the link, I'll be adding you guys to the Links section and I wish you all the best in your efforts!
Let me know if we can do anything to help!
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