Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pardon Our Dust

As you may have noticed, some changes are in the works.

One of these changes is in response to the fraudulent injusticeinseattle site that was set up by some Seattle police officers.

So now, not only are we at ""

We are also located at

Remember, .ORG stands for the ORIGINAL Injustice In Seattle site... any other similarly named sites are fakes set up by some underhanded Seattle police officers to discourage reports of police misconduct and make it harder to find information about their abuses.

Stay tuned... We're not giving up that easily!


  1. Hey, any thoughts on Cop Watch? They have a special "Focus on Seattle and Washington State" section.

    Sadly the site's HTML it has a very amateur feel (unlike, say the ACLU) but has some good nuggets of information on it such as the judgement regarding the legality of video taping police in WA.

    Injustice in Seattle has a nice professional feel too, perhaps you could incorporate some of copwatch's content here?

    Also, LOL at the fake injustice being too cheap to pay for hosting thus the spammy godaddy banner at the top.

  2. Copwatch is in my blogroll, but that's a great idea to try and see if I can pull in some of their feeds or something. The information they pull in about police misconduct is depressingly vast and frequent.

    Thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions... it really does mean more than I can express right about now.

  3. Oh, I didn't see Copwatch in what I thought was your blogroll... the "links" thing on the right side that points to

    Thank you for hanging in there, I really appreciate the site and the effort you put into it. I try to draw positive attention to it when I can.

  4. You're right, I had intended to add that but must have missed it. Thanks for the catch!

    The great thing about going to our own domain is that I can move away from the pure blog format and put in some other content that I always wanted to add to the site, so there are a lot of big changes planned that should hopefully make it a lot easier for people to get the information they need.

    As I said, though, any constructive feedback or suggestions are always appreciated!

    ...and thank you so much for the support, it means a lot!


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