Saturday, April 12, 2008

Help End Childhood Hunger

This Lavender Cupcake is just one of the many goodies you can eat to help end childhood hunger!

Not too long ago, before we came to Seattle, things were pretty bad for us. I had lost my job, my wife was too ill to work, one of our sons had died of a congenital defect called Potters Syndrome (Bilateral Renal Agenisis), and we were evicted from our home because we had to make a choice between feeding our children and paying the rent... and there were days that my wife and I didn't eat, just to make sure our sons did.

Needless to say, we traveled around a lot as I chased temporary jobs in several different states until we ended up here. While we still have our struggles, we're doing better and we want to help others who might be in a similar position as we used to be.

We know that childhood hunger in the US is real, it happens, and now there are things we can do to help prevent it. To help with that goal, we have pledged to participate in The Great American Bake Sale and send proceeds to the Share Our Strength organization as part of the effort to end childhood hunger in the US. A program like this allows people like us, who wouldn't be able to give much ourselves, to do something that can increase awareness of a problem while donating more than we normally could to help solve that problem.

While we can't tell you when or where our own bake sale will occur, because then the police would likely harass us or shut us down because of what we write about, we do encourage you to start your own bake sale or give in other ways by visiting the Share Our Strength website at

Together, we can make a difference! So please help out however you can, if we can do this, you most certainly can.

Thank you!

Well, the bake sale has ended... We made about a third as much as we had hoped, but we will still be sending about $100.00 to help in the effort to end childhood hunger. The orange cookies sold out, but there's still lot's of soft chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cookies, greek butter cookies, chai cupcakes, lavender flower cupcakes, and mint chocolate chip cupcakes left over. But they won't keep much longer because it was so warm today.

We thank all the people who bought the baked goods, especially those who bought one cookie or cupcake then came back and asked for more! Maybe next time, after we move far away from here, we'll do better since then we can actually advertise the sale.

Thanks again to all who helped!

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