Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Seattle Media Contact List

The following list of local media outlet contacts is intended to provide readers of Injustice In Seattle the ability to directly contact local media outlets about cases of police misconduct or detainee abuses. It is in no way intended to be a list of recommended media sources.

These contacts are general tip-line contacts. For easier distribution of a story you can contact us directly and, if you request it, we will distribute your story to our own private list of media contacts that have expressed interest in misconduct and abuse stories in addition to listing the story here on this site.

Injustice In Seattle e-mail
(Yes, we're not anything close to a news outlet, but we try to help victims of police misconduct and detainee abuse the best we can)

KOMO 4 News
(KOMO TV Problem Solvers email tip address, it's a good one to try)

KING 5 News
(KING 5 News general news tip line)

Real Change
(Real Change Weekly contact page)

The Stranger's SLOG
(The Stranger Weekly's blog tip line)

The Seattle Weekly
(The Seattle Weekly's News address, while I don't see many police misconduct stories from them, they did cover the King County Jail deaths and civil rights problems quite well)

Seattle Post Intelligencer
(Seattle Post Intelligencer's investigative team tip line, they write some good articles on police abuses)

Seattle Times
(Seattle Times general news tip line)

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