Thursday, February 28, 2008

The 100th Post Pause

Well, more than 100 posts actually and we had planned something for that post... But even though we carried past that landmark because of the guild contract talk fiasco, we've decided to share a few statistics about our site for any interested readers as a little break anyway.

Top 5 Visiting Nations
  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. Germany
  4. United Kingdom
  5. India
Top 5 Visiting Cities
  1. Seattle, Wa
  2. Bellevue, Wa
  3. Los Angeles, Ca
  4. Washington DC
  5. Seahurst, Wa
Top 5 Referring Sites
  1. Google Search
  2. MSNBC
  3. Craigslist (Your guess is as good as our guess)
  4. SLOG (The Stranger's Blog)
  5. Yahoo Search
Top 5 Stories (aside from the home page)
  1. The Funhouse Case
  2. The DOJ Report On Deadly KCCF Civil Rights Violations
  3. Police Misconduct and Crime Statistics
  4. Seattle's Criminal Anti-Crime Team
  5. Police Misconduct Attorney Information
Statistics Since Oct 20, 2007 (date established)
  • 133 Days Since Injustice In Seattle Started
  • 4,226 Site Visits
  • 1.7 Average Pages Viewed Per Visit
  • 2:32 Average Time Spent Per Visit
  • 81% of Visits are New Visitors
  • 938 Feed Views
  • 877 Feed Clicks
  • Most Ironic Search Result That Sent Someone Here: "What is the punishment for jaywalking in Seattle" (That sent them to this story)
Hopefully, someday soon, there won't be any stories of police misconduct or detainee abuse for us to write about on this blog... That's our goal after all.

Until then... Thank you for visiting.

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