Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Accountability Review Panel Update

I wrote a post earlier today questioning the delay of Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels' Office of Professional Accountability Review Panel's (OPARP) final report that was due in November but was rescheduled with very little warning and no explanation.

I decided to check, in the spirit of fairness, to see what was going on and was told that the OPARP has been meeting in private since November to finalize the report, which may be finished as soon as this week... but still no information on why the report has been delayed for so long.

Meanwhile, the Seattle City Council's Police Accountability Panel (SCCPAP) has been trying to meet with the OPARP to collaborate on it's final report, which should be done shortly after the OPARP report is released, depending on whether Nickels' panel is willing to meet with the council's panel to put recommendations together.

In any case, I'm hoping against hope that the final reports will bring about some real and meaningful changes that are not contested by the rabidly anti-accountability police guild. Hopefully the two panels can work together to make solid recommendations and that they are taken seriously by the council, mayor, and SPD.

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